Out of all of UFO alien research implants are slowly becoming noticed by the scientific community as tangible evidence of real alien abductions because of the number of similar cases featuring out of this world materials. There have been thousands of abduction cases but with very little evidence except for the subjects themselves accounts of what happened but with physical evidence stronger cases can be made about the truth of these alien visitors.
Advanced quantum physics coupled with knowledge on Ontological sciences give the Reticulans advantage over 3rd density civilizations.

The true Player in the Game has the capability of covert manipulation of equal or lesser technological races.

The Pawns in the game can be implanted and controlled by the Players but cannot be destroyed or vanquished; they can be manipulated into self-destructive modes.

The Reticulans are largely involved in scientific exobiological surveys as well as systemic geological observation and field studies.

    On board some Reticulan craft there are:

               UV screening devices
               Tempo/Special/Jump Coordinator Circuits
               Remote Telemetry Scanning with Holographic Recording
              Multi-density penetrating scanner / Zeta-ray device with holographic display, for viewing inside                                 buildings, underground and underwater.
              Interdimensional penetration of craft into solid matter

Technological Wizardry of the Network
                Catechomine Beta-Lipotropin 4753, a mixture which is a distillation of slightly enkephalinic melanocyte-stimulating adrenocorticotropic hormone; a                       cerebral cortex "roto-rooter"; removes certain body blocks and boosts intelligence.
                  Inculcation Monitor: a modulated catecholamine encoded laser beam that resonates within the optic nerve network of the subject, setting up harmonic                  vibrations which disseminate encoding sequences to the proper receptor sites.

Learning, Teaching and Assimilation Techniques

The subject is made to lay down on a table and face the inculcation monitor, a bar of flashing colored lights, and is reprogrammed to serve the Confederacy in some new capacity.
Direct Observance and Inculcation Procedures
The Ridge Response System is checked.

The subject is allowed to view a craft, becomes curious.

Monitored data is transmitted for decision.

If found acceptable, subject is directed to an isolated area, picked up, examined, made to forget the experience, and returned back to the planet.

Sometimes a targeted being will be picked up in childhood and taken to an earth base for crystal implantation and is then monitored throughout the growth period. In young adult stage, the subject is picked up, the crystals are removed and the being is "parked in reserve" for future triggering and employment.

Damage to Network Craft: Radar beams can interfere with both programs and propulsion.
The Reticulans are from a civilization which appears to be totally dedicated to interstellar research and life analysis.

The Network has been on Earth for the past 50 years.

Past contacts with Earth governments have been rejected

Discussion of Density Levels and the Greys 
Some Greys are led by non-corporeal beings of sixth density, of which there are only a very few. A sixth density being is at a non-physical level where the being exists as the entire dimension itself. A sixth density being would be aware of the many dimensions he is while still being separated to some degree from his many selves or projected consciousness's.

Fifth density beings are non-corporeal in nature and also experience themselves as the entire dimension. There are large numbers of fourth and fifth density Greys involved in the situation here on Earth. Fifth density is the last density above humans (third density) that can retain negativity. At this level you will find the true player in the game. They are powerful intelligent beings who are capable of Interdimensional Travel.

Fifth density beings have the ability to control an entire sector of space.Fourth density beings exist on the level of race consciousness, and are in touch with their own sixth density consciousness. They can draw energy and knowledge from their other components. The fourth density entity is in the unique position of being able to transit between third and fourth densities, and are largely paraphysical when viewed from a third density perspective. These beings make use of both organic bodies and synthetic androids. These beings appear energetic and aware, but emotionally cold, to the human. They are, in fact, extremely curious about all aspects of existence, highly analytical and devoid of any sentimentality. They can experience emotions from humans in a high-energy state (terror, fear, etc...) and in doing so gain sort of an elevation of mood. Fourth density Greys, the ones who are primarily dealing with Whitley Streiber, are the ones who possess the technical equipment to draw energy from the human bio-plasmic field. They also have the ability to extract memories and experiences from the human being. It is they who await in the light when a human being dies. The human being is then recycled into another body and the process begins all over again. Fourth density Greys are, in effect, sensation Junkies. To experience human emotions and feelings is the closest they themselves ever come to the idea of feeling.

There social organization is similar to ants with a very rigidly defined social structure but they are technologically advanced.The more dove-like ones are more refined and capable of a more business-like behavior towards humans, and prefer to use more "diplomatic" behavior to gain control over humans.These Greys are servants to a master races to do studies and work like worker bees. Some They tend to enjoy the feeling of freedom they have on earth, away from their masters.The Grey species is not based on individualization or being an individual entity. For entities maintaining a group mind set ( social memory complex ), individualization seems to cause a great deal of random energy loss. They were initially fascinated both with human individuality and the human emotional spectrum, which they can perceive but apparently do not comprehend what it means ( to the human ). They do understand the concept of bonding, but only intellectually in terms of bonding ( between human mother/ovum source and an alien cross-breed child ) that will serve to contribute to the survival of the cross-breed. They recognize the need for it in the child in terms of survival. The social structure of the different Grey species seems to be geared around their group memory complex. Abductees often relate that when they are in the midst of a group of Grey's, they all seem to respond together, to one degree or another, when one of them responds. Much information has been gleaned from various communication efforts with these entities. We're learning about them. The main operative in their social structure is obedience and duty, and it has become apparent that there are definite hierarchies within their social structures which provide for each entity having specific duties to perform. One byproduct of their social memory complex is that any kind of decision takes a while to make, since none of the clones seem to have the innate ability to act independently of the other cloned species. This social structure has no room for "surprises", and the "best laid plans of mice and men can be totally wrecked if it comes into contact with anything outside its operational context. The Tall Grey's seem to be less prone to the frailties of the system than do the smaller Grey's. There are plenty of benevolent as there are monelavent Grey'sas there are humans.Some accounts have Greys wearing tight neutral colored uniform-like jumpsuits.The nature of the Grey's, especially the Zeta Reticuli and the short Grey's, is that they do not have deep emotional feelings or compassion. They are, in fact, extremely curious about all aspects of existence, highly analytical and devoid of sentimentality. They look at humans much the same way a farmer looks at his cows, as an inferior species. They understand the passions and compassion of humans to the degree it is observable by them but do not their feelings.

Research has indicated that most of these Greys come from either the Orion Constellation, or from the zeta stars of the Reticulum Rhomboidalis constellation. The Greys coming from Zeta Reticuli are usually referred to as the Zetas. Erroneously, in part of the UFO literature, 'Zetas' has been used as a synonym for 'Greys,' even though they are only one of several known species of Greys.

Let's start off by saying the ZETA's ARE REAL. Before the internet and fast global communications reports of the Grey's have sprouted all over the world and of course throughout history. With similar to almost identical stories and what they have claimed to look like. So what we have here is millions of people have been reporting the same stories at time when fast communications was'nt available so how can you explain this? It's simple, They WAS Abducted and their stories ARE TRUE.With that in mind let's discussed what a "Zeta or grey" looks like and where are they from? There are many different views, stories and theories regarding them. There is very short, short medium, and tall. There known to be greyish, whitish, yellowish, light blue, tan and even brownish colored.With mostly large black almond eyes, although some have been known to have smaller than typical large almond eyes. Erect standing biped, small thin build, large and rounded rear skull area, head larger than humans with inverted triangular shape, absence of auditory lobes and nose, absence of body hair. Here mouths are small and move in an up and down motion like a fishes mouth does. It's known that their mouths are useless and serve no purpose as a communication method since the Greys use telepathyLet's get down to specifics types, Some accounts have Grey's wearing tight neutral colored uniform-like jumpsuits. Other reports have them appearing to be naked. In most cases, clothed Greys have no determinable gender and naked Grey's have no visible external genitals. The Grey's consume nourishment through a process of absorption through their skin. The process, according to abductees who have witnessed it, involved spreading a biological 'liquid protein' formula that has been mixed with hydrogen peroxide [which oxygenates the slurry and eliminates bacteria] onto their skin. Food is converted to energy by chlorophyll by a photosynthetic process. To eliminate, they need to pass the substance through some part of their body, much the same way plants eliminate through their skin or outer shells. They use hydrogen peroxide for helping with that elimination as well. Waste products are then excreted back through the skin. Many abductees have noted that the Grey's have a distinct series of odors. The nature of the Grey's, especially the Zeta Reticuli and the short Grey's, is that they do not have deep emotional feelings or compassion. They are, in fact, extremely curious about all aspects of existence, highly analytical and devoid of sentimentality. They look at humans much the same way a farmer looks at his cows, as an inferior species. They understand the passions and compassion of humans to the degree it is observable by them but do not their feelings.The Zeta Reticuli Grey's feed upon glandular secretions of humans and are said to abduct humans and extracting the secretions for themselves. It is also said that Greys absorb certain substances from parts of the cattle that stabilize them during the cloning process, mostly substances that comes from certain mucus membranes: the lips, nose, genitals and rectum, and also from certain organs. Aside from feeding off of human and animal proteins and fluids, they also allegedly feed off the 'life energy', the 'vital essence' or 'soul energy' of humans as do otherreptilian species in what may be considered a vampirial type of hunger for human vital fluids.Alternative perspectives. The Grey's are not masters of their own fate. They are, rather, subservient to areptilianrace. In their desire to retain that freedom from their reptilian masters, they would hope to play the role of being masters here on earth, or at least having enough control so as to be safe from slavery by any other species. On April 25, 1964, the first official communication between these aliens and the U S Government took place at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. 3 saucers landed at a pre-arranged area for a meeting to be held between the aliens and intelligence officers of the U S Government It should be noted that not all authors are convinced that all
While Grey's are commonly cast as being factual/fictional extraterrestrials, a number of alternative perspectives also exist. Including that Grey-like beings are A modern iteration of ancient folklore and myth

            Part of a US government-led disinformation/plausible dependability campaign.

            A future evolution of the human race, or an alien race from the future, that has                       traveled back in time

            Extra dimensional life forms

           A product of US Government mind control experiments


Grey's are extraterrestrials. John Mack, Jacques Vallee, Withley Strieber and Graham Hancock, e.g., point at the similarities between the abduction realm and the realms of the fairies and the spirit world that shamans visit. They suggest that Grey's may be part of a parallel realm or another dimension that has always existed and that always had interaction with our reality. "Hive" based behavior, i.e., decisions made almost entirely through collective consciousness communicated through electromagnetic impulse. Often noted are simultaneously identical responses to a single stimulus. Will often show uncertainty or long delays in response to unexpected circumstances. The above characteristics throw strong doubt on the notion that the Grey's possess true awareness, a soul, or a free will. Highly sophisticated neurology with electromagnetic radar abilities. Capable of sensing even tiny variations in em fields; therefore, keenly aware of local electrical devices. Extremely sensitive to human brain functions within several feet. Cannot directly read thoughts, but able to read level of brain activity with high degree of accuracy, even though doors. This process is probably not passive, i.e., it is the result of electromagnetic feedback similar to radar.It should also be noted that it is perfectly possible that if such realm exists, that extraterrestrials might use it to travel to Earth. This indeed is what Shamans all over the world claim. Shamans in Latin America and sangomas in Africa even make a clear distinction between the inhabitants of the other realm, and the aliens that use that realm to come and visit us. Last but not least:

When it comes to their intentions here on Earth, two groups can be distinguished. Overall the intent of the majority of the Zetas is benign, despite the trauma that many individuals experience in their presence. There is, however, also a minority that is more interested in colonization and conquest (the Orion / Draconian Agenda). This latter group is said to have colonies in the Betelgeuse system, and work together with Orion and Draconian Grey's. Unlike the Orion and Draconian Grey's, the Zetas are a humanoid race. In fact, their ancestors looked pretty much like modern day humans do, and lived on the Apex planet in the LyranConstellation. But a civil war, fought with nuclear weapons, resulted in the near destruction of the planet, and the excessive radiation forced the survivors to go and live underground for several generations, thus changing the tone of their skin, and the size of their eyes. Another side effect of the increased radiation was a decrease in fertility-levels forcing them to procreate through cloning and other artificial techniques. One of the reasons for the abductions is to increase the diversity of the DNA-stock used for these cloning purposes.The Zeta Reticulans appear to be divided into two social classes one being more hawkish than the other. The more peaceful of the two appears more refined and has demonstrated a more tolerant attitude toward humans. The other class is more abrupt, blunt and crude toward humans.

Through analysis of many cases, it would appear that the Tall Greys have one base near the Aleutian Islands. The Taller Greys seem to have overall influence over the Reticulans and also over the Bellatrix species. The influence over humans seems to center around implantation of human political figures and those in control of planetary power groups.

There are believed to be actually twenty two different variants of this one race. Possibly, like humans, the variants are based on their evolution in different climactic zones on their planet. TYPES A. B. C. that are the most common and known

EBE TYPE: {I} Reticulan Grey /  Orion Grey’s  
PHSICAL DESCRIBSION: Zeta Reticuli: This is the type most commonly referred to as the Grey's. Also known as Zeta Reticuli from the Zeta Reticulan star system (the Bernard star) neighboring the Orion area. They function in a mode that is apparently military in nature with a rigidly defined social structure that holds science and "conquering worlds" to be the prime movers. They are normally between4  to 5 feet tall with large heads and black "wrap around" eyes. They have limited facial features, slit mouth and no nose. In spite of the apparent physical similarities, the group of Type A Grey's actually consists of several different species of Grey's, that aren't necessarily related, and that come from different parts of our Galaxy. The Zetas, e.g., come from the Reticulum, and are believed to be of a humanoid descent, whereas other races, e.g. those coming from Draco, Orion and Ursa Maior. Since the ancient civilizations of the Mayans, Hopi Indians, Greeks, and Egyptians, aliens have always been recorded in teachings, writings, artifacts and/or paintings, and the reoccurring image that we see throughout history. Today many believe that the Grey Aliens are the race that continues to visit Earth!Gathering all the data (eye witness accounts, ancient paintings, etc.), we are able to truly make an educated guess as to who these aliens are and what they look like!

Extraterrestrial                        Zeta recutli / Grey's
Species:               Reticulian Grey
  Orion Grey's
Height:                                   4-5 1/2feet
Weight:               55-100 pounds (estimated)
Eyes:                        Large, oval-shaped, black
Hair:                     None         
Skin:                 Grey, light blue, tan
Sex:          No visual reproductive organs
                       Cloning suspected form of                                                             reproduction

Communication:                   Telepathic
                   Location of Origin
                               Zeta Reticuli Star System
              Distinguishing Characteristics
                                              Slit for mouth
                             Nose and ears are indentation
                               Thin body, arms past waist
                         Large head in proportion to body

             TALL GREYS & EBAN
Aliases: The Grey Doctors
Tall Grey's
Height:                       6-9
Weight:           120-175 pounds (estimated)
Eyes:                   Large, oval-shaped, black
Hair:                     None
Skin:  Grey, light blue, tan
Sex:         No visual reproductive organs
Cloning suspected form of reproduction

Communication:                        Telepathic
            Location of Origin
                         Zeta Reticula Star System / Orion Constellation
    Distinguishing Characteristics
                                                 Slit for mouth
                                     Nose and ears are indentation
                                    Thin body, long arms past waist
                      Large head in proportion to body
EBE TYPE {II} Tall Grey’s / Orion Grey’s
PHSICAL DESCRIBSION:Grey type B Usually about 7 to 8 feet. tall (reports often exaggerate their height as being 9 to 12 feet.) with facial feature somewhat similar to Grey type A. . .Skin description ranges from light tan to the pasty Grey color to light blue. Texture is smooth skin. No muscle or skeletal structure is visible. No external reproductive genital, possible reproduction by a cloning method.The brain capacity is estimated to be between 2500 and 3500 cc, compared to 1300 cc for the average human. Due to the cloning process, the neural matter is artificially grown brain matter, and the Grey's have known technology that enables them to insert memory patterns and consciousness into clones in any manner or pattern that they wish. They tend to influence more through political controls and negotiated agreements with those in power. The Orion Grey's give the impression that they are benevolent towards humans, but they are heavily into genetic engineering. They use humans as guinea pigs to conduct various experiments. All this is done through the injecting of certain genomes into flesh and the application of electromagnetic charges. In this way they can grow human body parts to help deformed or injured humans -- or for their own purposes of food and sustenance. These Grey's are less viscous towards humans than type A or C Grey's (but are still considered "hostile".) They tend to influence more through political controls and negotiated agreements with those in power. it's often the greys of Type A and Type B are accompanied by one or more Greys of Type B: the Tall Greys. The Type B Grey's look very similar to the Type A Grey's, but they are a lot taller. Often abductees refer to these Tall Grey's as 'the doctor,' because they seems to be in charge of the medical procedures taking place during the abduction event. Two separate types of Tall Grey's are known:
EBE TYPE: {III} Zeta recutli / Bellatrax Grey's/Small greys
                 Bellatrax Grey's
Height:                Bellatrax Grey's
            Small greys
Height:                       2- 3 1/2
Weight                               33-55pounds (estimated)
Eyes:            Large, oval-shaped, black
Hair:                       None
Skin:                    Grey,light blue, tan
Sex:                   No visual reproductive organs
         Cloning suspected form of  reproduction

Communication:                          Telepathic
                   Location of Origin
              Zeta Reticula Star System in the Orion Constellation
          Distinguishing Characteristics
                                             Slit for mouth
                             Nose and ears are indentation
                                Thin body, arms past waist
                             Large head in proportion to body

  PHSICAL DESCRIBSION:  Evidence comes from abductee reports on the physical appearance of the Grey's. According to abductees and certain US government informants, the following physical profile can be induced about the Grey's "Small greys" "Bellatrix Grey's" This distinct species is mentioned again and again in stories about encounters with aliens.Bellatrax Grey's: Possibly where the folklore of 'the little people' come from. Being that this variation of Grey's stand only -3-4 feet tall. The Brain is larger than ours and has more than 2 lobes, possibly 3. the third lobe is thought to be used for telepathic communication. There is no noticeable brow ridge, and the skull has a slight peak the runs over the crown. Skin description ranges from light tan to the pasty grey color to light blue. Texture is smooth skin. No muscle or skeletal structure is visible. No external reproductive genital, possible reproduction by a cloning method. No discernible digestive tract found, but a 2 piece organ that seems to be a combined heart and lungs organ. Digestive functioning is believed to be through the skin in a form of osmosis The Eyes are one of the most striking elements of Abductions and various descriptions of the eyes have been reported. Such as dark brown the most common is the large pitch black almond shape and then small black almond shape. The black look of the eye may be a possible lens covering. Their mouths seem to be of no purpose with a little slit no lips. Their arms seem to go a little past was'nt.The arms are long in proportion to the legs, and the hands have three long tapering fingers and a thumb which is nearly as long as the fingers. The second finger is thicker than the others, but not as long as the index finger. The feet are small and narrow, and four toes are joined together with membrane. Shorter than the Type B Greys, Zeta Reticuli. These fellows are shorter, much like dwarfs. More indirect, but sometimes known to be vicious towards humans. Both Bellatrax Grays and the Zeta Reticuli are related genetically from the same root race and look very much alike except for their size. These are the smallest of the zeta Grey's. also known to be the worker race. Worker bees if you will.
There are so many types of Greys cataloged by the black government, CIA, NSA, MJ12otherSECRECT POWERS, ABDUCTEES and of course HISTORY.There really is no way of knowing how many types there are or if there is even different types for all we know they could all be the same race just a multitude of them, but or cording the CIA, NSA, MJ12, and ABDUCTEES there not. Here is a few different looks and types of possible Greys that might possible be out there. If you have been abducted check to see if any of these are familiar or look similar to the ones you have seen,
The United States
The United States SERCET ALLIANCE with the GREYS was the first to open its doors to the alien race known as the Greys.  AMERICA, THE TRUE POWER OF EARTH. WITH IT'S MIGHTY SUPER FUTURE POWER MILITARY THAT FAIR GOES BEYOND ANY KNOWN EARTHLY MILITARY AND SECRET WEAPONS, FUTURE TECHNOLOGYAND TREATY WITH MANY DIFFERENT ALIEN SPEACEIS, AMERICA TRULY IS THE RULER OF THE WORLD. ALL OTHER COUNTRIES LEADERS LOOK TO AMERICA TO MAKE THE EARTHLY DECSIONS. It's natural law the strongest rules and when you rule you are the all seeing eye. ResearchTIMOTHY GOOD. In 1934, where the Grey's made their presence known to the U.S. government, in the state of Washington. I don't know the particular details but somehow the US government knew that the Grey's were there. It wasn't until 1947, that actual contact occurred with the aliens and United States officials. The first face to face contact was due to the shooting down of an alien craft, namely the Roswell incident. This pressed the Grey's into a contact with the Americans. After the crash in Roswell, the United States, the Soviet Union, and the British, at the very highest levels, became blood brothers. By the way, none of these governments knew what Germany was really up to.The Germans were very, very secretive about their contact with the Giza Intelligence. The Roswell incident created more of an urgency to develop a true space program to defend the earth. The United States and the Soviet governments thought that this alien presence could be a threat, because these aliens were so technologically more advanced. But the Greys in their own fashion, really back doored these governments through deceit. The true space program, this underground program that we are just now beginning to hear about which was run by the CIA, was originally financed by members of the Club of Rome. Now, you'll need to do some homework, to find out who those members are. And don't be surprised at who you see., Prior to this, in the 1850's to the 1950's, a hundred years, there had been some utilization of cattle and humans in experiments by the Greys. The NSA, which was created in the 1950, learned that the Grey's were responsible. In 1952, the U.S. government    prepared itself for the realization of ongoing alien contact when US military radar system started to down their craft

Corporations that are currently assisting the aliens and the black government are Standard Oil, Lockheed, Northrup, McDonald Douglas, AT&T, IT&T, The A.A. Matthews Construction Company, The Robins Company, The Utah Mining Company, and numerous more. The NSA is exempt from all laws in the United States unless the NSA itself is specifically mentioned in any creation of law. This is due to its interaction with aliens and its sometimes necessary infringements of civil rights and constitutional rights of the American people. In other words, to make it exempt from breaking any laws and hurting anybody here, they made it completely separate. And it is completely separate, even though your tax dollars pay for the running of it. There was also a great deal of private money used by the NSA to build the alien technology and to keep humanity under control. The status quo secure. Even the President doesn't know much about the Ultra or Blue Moon units of the NSA. These are the two highest units the NSA has that deals directly with alien technology and information.

Now realize that the Grey's are genetic engineers, though not the only ones. Most of the aliens from off planet are genetic engineers because they value life forms as opposed to gold and silver. Genetics', life forms and things of that nature is their wealth. A lot of the genetic engineering and experimentation is going on here, on earth and on Mars moon Phobos, by the Grey's. They are using this opportunity to try to satisfy their own agenda, which is to create DNA and genetic stock that is clean enough to foster new physical life forms that are capable of regeneration and birth for their race. As of right now, the Grey's are most interested in female genetic stock because all family lineages follow the female rather than the male. Why? Because you always know who your mother is, you may not always know who your father is.

Many new races have been created this way throughout our galaxy. It's not something that's new going on here. This has been going on for a very long time. Few races today have actually remained as pure genetic stock, with the exception of two races that the Andromedans say are really genetically clean. That is the Reptilians from Alpha Draconis, and the other is what we call, or known as the Elohim, which are a very ancient race of humans that survived Lyra. All other races are a varied degree of hybrid or mixture of races of different genetic stock.

Another point is that, the Grey's themselves would like to be free from the Orion Empire. They will have no chance of survival themselves if they do not create or match their body type or genetics with ours. You see, time is quickly running out for them and us as a race is also evolving at a tremendous rate. On a spiritual conscious level, we are evolving dramatically, making our genetics harder to use while they are dying out like there's no tomorrow. And they are very aware of this fact. So, even though what they're doing is wrong, they really are caught in a very tough position themselves. Because what they're doing to us has been done to them. We're just trying to draw parallels. We're not justifying it in any way. By the way, when any of the aliens give birth to a child, they take that child outside of the earth's atmosphere so the child is born fully aware of its reincarnational history, so it realizes who it is, and it doesn't carry the veil. Why is this? Apparently, there is some kind of agreement; if you're born within the earth's atmosphere; you've got to be veiled. It's just part of what comes with being born here.

The Grey's master's assigned agenda is to create a slave race which is currently in full swing, for the purposes of control, physical services, labor and, sexual energy. Now we will explain this. The acts of feeding, war, anger, psychic energy, death, cancer, genetic experiments, hybrids as a food source, genetic and biological materials. The Greys and their Masters feed off this, our energy. As examples: If two people are fighting, they create a lot of emotional negative energy. And this is why you will find, that whenever there are wars going on, there's a lot of UFO activity. Negative energy! They just feed off it. It's liken to when you're making love to your wife/husband, and you reach that moment where you are both at the same place at the same time, in a loving benevolent way. That's how it feels for them regarding negative energy release. The energy of fear, that rush of adrenaline, young teens on a battlefield running around scared, this is what they crave, all of the negative emotional aspects.

They have also been doing extensive research on the human brain and its capabilities as well as study of the soul. Many people who have been implanted by the Grey's, those who are aware of it and those who still aren't, must become aware of the fact, that they have actually been on a kind of machine and are being shown and trained to do something. According to theAndromedans, the Grey's are training us to fight their war against the Draconians (One of their masters) when they get here, because they are going to use us as their soldiers. Just like when our military sends in the infantry and marines, those implanted will be the first ones on the beach. While the Grey's sitting back on board their ships drinking champagne or having a gin and tonic, and wondering how the battle is going. And they have chosen our world to be the battle ground.

At the same time they are still going about preparing the earth for its new owners. Apparently, the Grey's are going to make this attempt, but the inevitable truth is that the Reptilians  from Alpha Draconis are on their way here now. And this has very serious implications for us. Now, honestly, we're not here to promote fear. We are simply stating FACTS on CIA WHISTLEBLOWERS... We have boxed ourselves into a corner and the only way we can change the outcome is that we have to consciously become aware of what our world is really about, what's really going on here. And we have to create a space of love. Folks, that's the bottom line.

By creating a space of love, the Grey's, the Draconians, the Orion's won't be able to handle the vibration. They have got to leave, or we're going to have to ask for some serious intervention here. In which case, there's going to beBible has predicted. It will be all
war in the heavens as the SUMERIAN TEXT/out saving us! You know this talk about ASHTAR coming down here to save you. Ladies and gentlemen, it isn't going to happen. It's just another belief system. Or how about Commander Hatton, who is saying we will take you to Mars. No thanks! I don't want to go to Mars; it just isn't going to happen that way. Nobody is going to save you, because according to the Andromedans, if you're sitting here waiting for a savior, you're not doing the work yourself. And who would come down here to take you off the hook? For what purpose? You will only recreate the situation again someday. If you haven't permanently evolved to that level of becoming your own savior, your own messiah, then you haven't learned your life's lessons. And this is what the Andromedans strongest message is. You have got to do the work yourself. You are only responsible for yourself. Nobody is going to take you off the hook. Matter of fact, if they do end up intervening on our behalf, they are not going to stick around afterward and baby-sit us.
 The Greys knew that in order to perform their experiments on such a large scale, to save their race, they would need the cooperation of a high political body. In other words, they had to come to terms. A select politically structured body, created secretly within the United States Governmentwas designed to be the liaison between thGreysthe technological gods, and the earth humans known as AMERICANSThe military was very enthusiastic for communication with the aliens, in hopes of exchanging technology for raw materials. This liaison group, this political structure, is and was theNSA, the super-secret National Security AgencyFor contact and study of the aliens was its original purpose. In May of 1954at the Holliman Air Force Base, the United States Government made a formal agreement with the Grey alienraceSome of the terms of this agreement were the exchange of technology, of anti-gravitymetals, alloys, and environmental technologie to assist the earth with free energy and medical application regarding the human body. All theGrey's asked for in return, was to be allowed to study the human development, both in the emotional consciousness makeup, and to reside here on earth This single act of signing a contract with an extraterrestrial race and the AMERICANS was the most significant act in human history because it launched Earth in a whole new direction even more so for the AMERICANS. It thrust us into being hosts to an alien race., Essentially, what this contract has also done, has handcuffed the Andromedan council and those benevolent extraterrestrial races from being able to take a more active role in the earth's evolution they know America's is the most powerful and in charge on the planet Earth so they considerd what America say's to be Earth voice... It has placed the burdens squarely on top level highly classified personal which is that of the United States and the shoulders of humanity to enlighten itself of the facts, and to consciously create ascension on an individual basis. Because this particular treaty was agreed upon between the aliens and the "ULTRAunits in the NSA, which actually is a government unto itself, they in affect turned away help from outside benevolent races that we could have obtained before. Now pay close attention, because this is the first time we've ever mentioned this. The particular document and original exchange material may be found today in the NSA facility, called Blue Moon, under Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico. Its exact entrance is in the Monzoni Mountains. This location houses the private department of energy technological labs. Currently, the building of free energy devices for use in space and on the moon and Mars is ongoing, in this particular area. Much of the alien technologyhas been reconstructed and sent via a connecting tunnel to Los Alamos and an area located underneath the cliff sides of Los Alamos canyon, where huge vaults are built into the earth. This facility is twenty-nine thousand square feet in size. There are also laboratories equipped to study light, thought and pure energy there. This facility is also used as a jail for aliens captured by the black (secret) government. 
That means we have got to get it straight. That we as a race have got to come together and decide what it is that we want and how we want to live. How are we going to raise our children? What moralities, what laws, etc. Not to be told by somebody else out there, what is best for us? Folks! It's never worked before, and it isn't going to work now. Most human beings would rather die than live being a slave. That's just our nature, our soul, to be free. We're at that point again. What will we choose? You see, the Grey's are currently monitoring the brain waves of those they have implanted. They have done this for the better part of a hundred years on earth. So generations of family members have had implants. The cloning of human beings, of life forms and the art of subversion was taught by the Greys to the NSA. On the two highest levels of human interaction with the Greys within the NSA, there exists cloned human beings and humans so heavily implanted, that according to the Andromedans, they do not consider them human beings anymore. They have joined the group mind of the Greys. They have lost free will. They are clone robots! Their soul is trapped and they are no longer considered compassionate human beings. te
   They are very sophisticated in mathematics and energy sciences. It has been said, that US military at the time of the Holloman Air Force meeting, that there was an exchange of personnel. Our military gave the Greys sixteen military  personnel and that were supposed to be taken to the Greys' point of origin and that they left A few of theirs With the AMERICANS. Well. according to the Andromedans, it was really a hundred and nine human beings that were taken at  that particular exchange. They have not returned. As a matter of fact, they did not go to the Greys' point of origin, which was Zeta Reticuli 2; rather they went to the mother ships and Phobos where they were experimented  on. The Greys gave virus technology to the NSA, which then was handed on to lower levels within our military complex. In Africa, we find the testing ground for the AIDSVIRUS. There's a reason for   this. This virus  technology was given by the Greys to the biological unit in Ultra within the NSA. One of NSA's underground facilities is underneath Fort Mead in Maryland. At that location there are nineteen acres of  underground caverns, with some of the most highly technological and sophisticated super computers in the world that were built and designed inside the facility. They have never seen the light of day. This area and the one in Mt. Hood, Oregon are engaged in massive surveillance of the world's telephones, telegraph, telex, fax, radio, television, microwave communication, NORAD and also space radio waves. The complex in Mt. Hood is where our US military is cloning human beings and aliens. WE don't know why alien races. We're Jumping back in history a bit Perhaps to change history or events during ww2? Who know one can only speculate and theories, but whatever they did it seem they did it for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA... They are the ones in control and seem to reap all the befits leaving most other countries is the dust technological wise. In the late 1950's, the Greys also approached the Russians regarding the signing of treaties and mutual exchange. The Russians, however, already at the time, were included in the proceedings of the NSA, chose not to sign this independent treaty because they knew full well that the Greys would try to pit the United States against the Soviet Union. It is in fact the Soviet Union was afraid of AMERICA and their future alien technology, Perhaps this is why they TRIED sending missiles to Cuba,. Also the Soviet Union informed JFK of the Greys presence, during the Cuban missile crisis. The Andromedanshave stated that the Russians were trying to blackmail the U.S. into sharing the alien technology, thus the Bay of Pigs. That's when they put the missiles there pointed at the United States. The Russians became increasingly aware that the NSA and the CIA were developing incredible technology and were not sharing it, as was their agreement, shortly after the Holliman agreement.

Apparently, JFK asked the CIA three times if the Russian allegations were true. The CIA lied twice to the president, even though nuclear weapons were only eighteen minutes away from striking the U.S. They just flat out lied to him and said, "No. They're nuts." This prompted JFK to want to scatter the CIA to the winds. This is one of the more important reasons the "black" government found JFK as a threat and had him make a physical transition prematurely. It was JFK's desire that some of this technology would reach the common people and be used for the betterment of mankind and that it be made known to the American people that the alien presence was upon us. This is one of the reasons why he successfully launched a civilian space program so that allAmericans and people of the world could share in the discovery.

In 1953 satellites and radars showed large objects coming towards the earth. They were Grey mother ships. These time traveling space crafts were the same crafts seen near Venus in 1787, 1788, 1789. In 1645, it was reported that a large moon was seen near Venus. For other times, as well in the same year, it was seen coming and going. The last time it was reported was in 1767. The same type of occurrence happened around Mars, on November 25, 1894. A large ship was seen illuminating part of Mars. The same occurrence for Mercury in 1799. The same large planetary body crossed the sun on August 26, 1859 and this same body today, that's still there, is called Vulcan. It's a mother ship. It isn't a planet. During the total eclipse of July 29, 1878, astronomers saw two large glowing planetary bodies, about the size of Venus, between Mercury and Venus. According to the Andromedans, these were Pleadian and Andromedan mother ships that had gone back in time.

They were observing the Greys orbiting around the sun... We don't necessarily know why, but here are some more. In 1783 and 1787, huge bright lights were reported on the moon. They were mistakenly reported as volcanoes, at first. But then they moved and lit up the dark side of the moon which cause a noticeable glow around the top portion of the moon. In February of 1894, a comet was apparently striking a huge dark object in our solar system. It happened to have wings and, according to the Andromedans, this was a Draconian mother ship. The same phenomena occurred in April 4, 1892 and it was about one third the size of the moon, six to seven hundred miles in diameter. As it crossed astronomers thought that it was a bird, but its wings didn't flutter. Again, this was a Draconian mother ship. This was observed again on January 27, 1912. A ship two hundred and fifty miles long, fifty miles wide, resembling a crow, was sitting on the moon. According to the Andromedans, this again was a craft from Reptilian Alpha Draconis.

Many operations have been created by the Greys over the past five hundred years for the purposes of manipulation and control of our religious belief systems. I don't want to offend anybody; All you have to do is listening. If it doesn't feel right for you, then dismiss it. If it does feel right, and you get the chills, then maybe you should start paying attention to it. Can all this be true? How as humans are we to know it's not?With all theCIA,NSA,MILITARY, ABUDCTEES how and why would they lie? Some have never met some don't even know what a Grey is. Do we has humans THINK we know everything? Is it just to great a story to believe for the human mind? Some don't want to believe because they don't want to believe in destruction or misery so there for IT CANT BE TRUE.

To have us morally and spiritually compromise our free will to a savior-like image, the Greys by allowing us to compromise ourselves under these false pretenses, they are absolved from the creating any Karma for themselves. Instead, they let us create the Karma to ourselves. It really is such a set-up. The power of belief systems can be used as fuel for the game of seducing people into believing that certain things are true. By the power created by the conscious thoughts, we can literally make these things occur and come true, whether they benefit us or not. These are real spiritual dynamics at work here and they're being used against us. Our physical matter (physical body) is the embodiment of ideas or belief systems. Our Universe consists of ideas and thought systems, condensed and turned towards it, inwards. We turn it towards ourselves to create and originate spirit and energy. Now if we need to say it again we will. This is our definition again, word for word. Our physical matter is the embodiment of ideas (belief systems). Our universe consists of ideas and thought, condensed and turned towards itself, inwards. To create and originate spirit and energy. In other words, we really are gods. We really can do anything we want to do.

We, of earth, have evolved only in technical and material sciences. Our spiritual evolution, for the most part has been suppressed from us by a group of extraterrestrials, and now the black government and its plan for a New World Order. Because upon learning these spiritual truths, the NSA and the black world government, realized that everything that they have been trying to do can be swept away. According to the Andromedans, and their exact words were, "Could be swept away in a day, should humanity become enlightened." If a billion people come to the realization and a decision that we no longer want this reality, it can literally change with the setting and the rising of the sun. But, they stress, we need to be clear of what we want, which is part of the decision, and our responsibility factors. That is ours. In other words, if we're going to create it, we take responsibility for it.

The Shroud of Turin. According to the Andromedans, this is one example of the extraterrestrial manipulation or assault of our belief systems. This holographic image on the shroud was created by the Greys to strengthen a belief system in a savior or messiah. This belief system assists their plan for control because humanity would love to give their power away to someone that appeared to be a true and legitimate messiah, because we've been taught to do that. The Greys know that few people truly want to accept responsibility for their own evolution. Most would rather be told what to do, than to realize the situation and take the appropriate action necessary to free themselves.

To further realize the Grey manipulation on a belief system level, there is also a plan in development to play out a staged second coming. This will occur shortly after the destruction of the world economy, This being will be a clone human being, a biological, who will holographically be imprinted with everything from spiritual truths regarding information about all religions, metaphysics, and he will come out speaking about all of these great wonders. He will strongly profess the Hindu philosophy. Why, we don't know, but this is what they're saying. The intent is evil; this being will not have a soul. He is not spirit. He is robotoid, a clone, a robot, a synthetic. The Greys have this kind of ability to stage this kind of action using their technology. He will be the image of the man on the shroud of Turin. The VVatican, in 1960, admitted that there were fourteen plagiarisms in the New Testament. They refused to say what they were, but they said that there were fourteen. That means you can't believe by it as gospel, so to speak, because they changed it. It wasn't God who wrote it. The church changed it and they admitted it. So, you do with that what you want. But everyone is believing it has to happen, and by us believing it has to happen, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to create it! We're going to make it happen, and they're sitting up there laughing at us, saying look at those idiots. Look what they're doing to themselves.

The Greys were responsible for the FATIMA EPISODE IN PORTUGAL, where the Virgin Mary supposedly spoke to the children. This was a holographic image of a woman who professed to be the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. The sun supposedly fell from the sky and miraculously healed people. Using Grey technology, these somewhat miracles did occur., But they used light and sound, which they beamed from their ship to the various people affecting these cures in their physical bodies. Now, this is technology that has been here on the earth, at least the last hundred years or more. But it is against the law now, in most places in the United States because it works. And that's color and sound, And the reason for sound work, is because the entire universe is a holographic projection turned inside of itself. It's all a holograph. Virtually all the people present were implanted during the missing time phase of this episode. A large mother ship positioned itself in front of the sun to create this occurrence. The reasons this is not a true is because the biblical Jesus is a composite character. And as such, is an allegorical myth. The Virgin Mary is also a composite character and these composites were made for the purposes of uniting the religions of the ancient Roman Empire so that their resources were not being used to constantly stop religious wars between different factions.

In the 1950's the so-called meetings of the Jason society were triggered by information given to the Ultra unit in the NSA by the Greys about the world's situation regarding pollution and population. It was at this particular time that the Greys offered little assistance or sharing of technology regarding environmental issues. Perhaps CANCER is an alien population control, it would explain why all the world scientist can't come up with a cure This has persisted even today. The Pleadians have in fact, offered more solutions than any other group to date, but they were turned away by the NSA. This prompted the first of three alternatives that have been discussed in UFO circles already. These alternatives are in fact, and were in fact, a reality. That's alternative one, two, three and four. The New World Order is in a major predicament. The Greys are twenty-five hundred years ahead of us technologically {2,500} . The black government is afraid to tell us the truth concerning this reality because they fear a revolution, overthrow, and desire self-preservation form the people who will want their scalps.

Two large mother ships are on the planet right now, hiding in the oceans. One is in the Pacific Ocean, below the equator and the other one is in the Atlantic. Our sense is that they're benevolent because the government has actually talked about implementing alternative four which was creating a controlled pole shift. The Andromedans have said no way would they allow this to happen. So our sense is that there are benevolent ships that are anchoring the planet on its axis. That's our opinion. The military know that this is why they're testing sound in the oceans, especially in the Pacific.

Aliens have been attacking us more openly in space. It started with the Russian Phobos probe when it was destroyed. The Mars observer was captured byReptilians on Mars. It isn't going to come on-line. It's gone. Also, closer to home, in December 1993, a Landsat satellite disappeared in orbit, just vanished. In August of 1993, the European space agency lost two communications satellites, again, they literally just vanished from orbit. The Canadian TELSTAR was destroyed in our atmosphere on January 15, 1994. It was seen crashing to earth. This was shot down by the Greys. Again, I don't know why. A NASA Satcom 3 communications satellite vanished in May of 1979. It was just taken. Two Soviet Millennia satellites were also taken. They just vanished from our orbit, from our atmosphere.

Here's our scenario. The benevolent races have told the world governments that they would help us but world governments have to dismantle their nuclear weapons. The earth governments did not want to do this because they don't know who to trust. They created this situation and they do not know who to trust now. However, the world government is so desperate to get rid of the Greys, that they apparently have put a call out for help, using satellites. The Andromedans say there is a group that has offered to help our earth governments with the problem of the Greys, even by giving us weapons to fight the Greys. Re-enter, the Reptilians from Alpha Draconis, the only real enemies the Greys have, and that humankind has. The Reptilians from Alpha Draconis have answered the call. But the Greys actually work for the Draconians. It's all part of the set-up. When we invite them in here there will be no battle. And once they're here we'll never get rid of the Draconians.

Reproduction Processes
Innumerable witnesses have confirmed the presence of underground facilities that the Greys use for breeding. These facilities, of which Dulce is the most famous, provide for genetic work of all descriptions. Humans are brought to these facilities on a continuing basis in order to provide a genetic pool from which to extract DNA and RNA mixtures that will contribute toward the efforts of the Grey species to strengthen their genetic structure.  Cloned species have a distinct disadvantage, in that the cloning process provides for increased DNA replication failure. It is thought by many that the Grey DNA structure is so degraded that the species is functioning on more of an RNA basis. With RNA replication there is no cross-checking capability during cell reproduction.
Producing Hybrid Organisms
Production of hybrid organisms involves a process whereby normal physical development is bypassed and sexual maturity is achieved in the fetal state. This process is known in current genetics and produces leaps of structural difference. One can use the same basic genetic coding and change the rate at which the gene functions in order to achieve a wide variance in life forms. It is apparent that humans and Greys are, in fact, genetic variations of the same life form. Other human-appearing aliens with advanced technology such as the ANUNNAKI took a ANUNNAKI sperm and put it into a female egg ape,then took that egg and inseminated it into a ANUNNAKI female she then gave birth to Homo Sapiens. This is all in SUMERIAN TEXT. The bible gets its ideas and information from the SUMERIAN TEXT since the text is the oldest written language. The ANUNNAKImade structural changes in their own image in order to produce the original Homo Sapiens, which has been altered many times since. So in fact the whole entire Human population is nothing More thanHYBRID SPEACIES
Other Concepts Regarding the Greys as Essentially Positive / Neutral
                                                   Of the more interesting scenarios that exists regarding the Greys is one that has several components that

Assign then the role of "caretaker" of the human species.
This scenario is in direct opposition to many of the other scenarios regarding the Greys, but it does have a lot of points that deserve attention. Within this role, the Greys seem to be performing several sub-tasks:
Analyzing selected human gene sequences (through multi-generational abductions of human family lines having a specific genetic sequential format)
Periodically rearranging the genetic coding in specific humans in order to create new genotypes within the human species. Some researchers have stated that this has been done more than 60 times since the human species was created over 260,000 years ago. A major genetic shift occurred about 30,000 years ago - right at the same time that the Neanderthals mysteriously vanished. This is an example of a "gross" change. The changes that the Greys are implementing and researching now appear to be more subtle (but no less far-reaching) ones.

Assign them the role of "preservers of life-forms" relative to this planet.
Several types of activity seem to be sub-tasks under this role:
The gathering, sampling and analysis of various life-forms on the planet. Research has already established that the Greys, amongst others, have been constantly performing this function, which seems to be related to constant checking of status.
Gathering of life-forms from the planet prior to a geological upheaval. Upheavals of various nature have occurred again and again through different successive "waves" of civilization on the planet.

Acknowledges the fact that the Greys are cross-breeding with human beings in an attempt to re-vitalize the genetic structure of their species.
Any species faced with their genetic dissolution would do the same if their technology could accommodate the process. This activity has been going on for a long time and has produced many generations of cross-breeds. These crossbreeds are potentially more superior in function that either humans or Greys.

Parallel Evolution as reflected in Humans and Greys
First of all, many individuals have seen breeding labs, both underground and on spacecraft. In those labs, Grey fetuses can be seen. Those fetuses have heads that are "out of proportion" to their body as compared to humans. It is interesting to note that human heads are getting larger as health care and other facilities permit greater fetal development at an earlier age - more and more births require a Caesarean section. Heads are generally moving toward being too large for the birth canal. Down the road, humans will no longer be capable of giving birth in the normal way. Fetal heads will be too big for the birth canal and the pelvis of the human to accommodate.What will humans do then? Artificial wombs? The idea was brought out on the cover of Life magazine in 1965 - the equipment looks similar to the artificial womb equipment used by the Greys. Moving toward an artificial womb situation would avoid the problems and limitations placed on brain development in an enclosed womb. It also opens the door to artificial selection and genetic engineering, which are being pursued now in the wake of human genome research and sampling of amniotic fluid to tell whether the fetus is diseased or malformed. A Grey fetus and human fetus look the same. It is pretty certain that brains and skulls evolve toward a larger size.Is this a universal problem that every species must eventually deal with? Indications are that it may be just that. It is the reason that the Greys are using human females to bear their young during the first 90 days - the physiology of the Grey female no longer allows them that convenience. Indications are that the Greys place great importance on their children - the future of their race, and have demonstrated an interest in human emotions relative to "mothering" and human relationships to children. What the Greys don't have is emotions or asoul. No mater how much they time travel, tweak their genes its something they will never poses.Here are some theory ideas on Greycratfts

Questions That Still Need Resolving
If the Greys are in fact caretakers of humans on Earth, what is their real relationship with the Reptilianhumanoids which are known to be dominant over them and known to consume humans?

How do we explain the fact that the Greys are involved in the stockpiling of humans (including children) for use as a food source for the Reptilianspecies (and as a lesser food source for themselves)?---CIA-WHISTLEBLOWERS-ABTDUCTEES-HISTORY----

How do we explain synthetic cloning of human beings in order to gain control over planetary power groups? The Greys are known to be involved in this procedure–----CIA-WHISTLEBLOWERS-ABDUCTEES-HISTORY-------

How do we explain the apparent destruction of life-forms and the Service to Self mind-set? Is it only a matter of perception on the human side? --- CIA-WHISTBLOWERS-ABDUCTEES-HISTORY----

How do cattle view the humans that slaughter them? If they had enough awareness, would their demands then seem valid to humans?

If the Grey's are bad, why don't they just show themselves?

If the Greys have no fear of us why hide?

Do they fear us?

Why would it take centuries to "assimilate" us or secretly conquer us?

If they are trying todo it secretly why does it take so long?

How many Greys are here that are bad?

How many are here that are good?

If there is bad does the good step in?

If they are all bad is it ideal to mind control us, and in some way resible for all he really bad things that happen. Then tothink we are living a differentnaive life, AL awhile the "masters" hide from us?

If there was good Greys and they knew the American government was keeping great technology such as clean energy from the rest of the earth so they could achieve great wealth off selling primitive oil supplies, why 

not step in and say anything? Surely this tells they don't care?

Do they aliens want us to do everything on or own in order for us to grow?Even if for thousands of years our primitive species has been toyed with and we haven't had a fair chance?

After all if it really was all bad wouldn't it seem more vicious or worst of then just hearing about stuff, the occasional war with countries, the cancer and money? We basically can do what we want we still have love.

Why can't the scientist of the world cure or solve cancer?

Is cancer an Alien population control weapon?

The Truman Treaty was real.Does this explain why so many millions of Americans have been involved in abduction that any other country combined?

Physiological Characteristics of Some Grey-Reptilian, Specie Autopsied by the United States Government
Term used by the government to describe the Greys' in terms of being a malevolent life form. The deal with the Greys is that their field around their body is different from ours to the point where merging of the fields ends up creating physical symptoms (the "body terror" mentioned by people like Whitley Strieber). The field around them is in direct opposition to ours. It is an anti-life field, as these specific species are on a devolutionary spiral. They are akin to soldiers of fortune, and offer their advanced technology in trade for things they require. They are experts at manipulation of both the human body (through manipulation of the fields) and the human mind. They require blood and other biological fluids to survive. They abduct humans and animals in order to acquire these fluids. They implant small devices near the brain which potentially gives them total control and monitoring capability. These devices are very difficult to detect.The analysis of the devices by technical staff has produced a description that Involves use of crystalline technology combined with molecular circuitry and these ride on the resonant emissions of the brain and the various fields of the human. Information is entrained on the brain waves. It appears that all attempts to remove the implants (1972) have resulted in the death of the human. They perform surgery and other operations on human subjects.- These abductions continue to be an ongoing matter. A list of abductees is provided periodically to MJ-12, although it is known that many more are abducted than are reported. These aliens also claim to have played a very significant part in the planets religious history, and have provided MJ-12 with supporting evidence of this.Various descriptions of the ALF's relate the following characteristics: Between 3 to 5 feet in height, erect standing biped, small thin build, head larger than humans, absence of auditory lobes (external), absence of body hair, large tear-shaped eyes (slanted approximately 35 degrees) which are opaque black with vertical slit pupils, arms resembling praying mantis (normal attitude) which reach to the knees, long hands with small palm, claw-like fingers ( various number of digits- often two short digits and two long, butsome species have three or four fingers), tough gray skin which is reptilian in texture, small feet with four small claw-like toes, organs that are similar to human organs but have obviously developed according to a different evolutionary process; a non-functioning digestive system; two separate brains; movement is deliberate, slow and precise; alien subsistence requires that they must have human blood and other biologicalsubstances to survive. In extremecircumstances they can subsist on other (cattle) animal fluids.Food is converted to energy by chlorophyll by a photosynthetic process (this supports results gained from autopsies at 29 Palms underground base where it was seen that their "blood" was greenish and the tissue was black). Waste products are secreted through the skin. The two separate brains are separated by mid-cranial lateral bone (anterior and posterior brain). There is no apparent connection between the two. Some autopsies have revealed a crystalline network which is thought to have a function in telepathic (and other) functions which help to maintain the group-consciousness between members of the same species. Functions of group consciousness in this species does have a disadvantage is that decisions in this species come rather slowly as the matter at hand filters through the group awareness to those who must make a decision.
This initial report is concerned with two groups of aliens: Greys and. There are several different kinds of both Greys and Reptilians, but for now we will simply refer to them as single groups. Both groups live on this planet or beneath its surface and in space. They have been here for a long time. The Greys  are also "working" for Reptilians, relative to the abductee as an individual and to the human race as a whole. They have been used by the Reptilians as the middlemen, doing the work and exposing themselves to us on behalf of and instead of the Reptilians. The Greys are consistently referred to as a mercenary force, though they themselves will often say that they "have no choice", that they themselves are the slaves, presumably in their own culture or to the Reptilians. The Greys are engaged in abduction and related activity, as they tell it, in order to survive. A great deal of the above is relative to their survival on an individual basis. They don't eat humans, but they use biological substances from humans (such as glandular secretions) in a manner we can compare with eating. (They absorb nutrients through their skin.) They milk us in the way we milk cows and they need what they take from us, or think they do. As a species, they are using material from us to recreate themselves, by creating their next generation with hybrids. Most of them can no longer individually produce offspring. I've been told that only one in a hundred or a thousand Greys can even conceive and that most of those babies do not live. Some Reptilians, on the other hand, eat us like we eat chicken. In the United States, there are rumors of great, underground food-storage rooms full of preserved human bodies. Sometimes the rumor has it that the bodies are those of children.We asked the Greys why, if this was true, it would be children. We was told that it is not only children but also adults that Reptilians eat. Children are preferred because they are generally unpoisoned by substances like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and other things adults are saturated with, as a group. The Reptilians don't seem to be dependent on us as a food source, although part of their experimental work with us is toward the end of future food supply/production. When they become involved with crossbreeding (humans and), they are not doing it for racial survival but for the purpose of creating a subclass (slave race) within their own culture. These half-breeds are to be biological war machines and laborers, etc. They are to be someone else's property. Most contemporary monsters or oddities (suchas the Cabbit, half-cat-half-rabbit, that was found in New Mexico in the 1970's) were probably created by or are otherwise related to Reptilian and/or US government genetic research. The Reptilians seem to have little regard for us as living beings. (They think that we are as ugly and repulsive to them as we ever portrayed them to be, and that we, the human race, are "as valuable as weeds.") However, they do seem to consider some of us valuable property. One gets the feeling they will continue to use us as they see fit, or, if we ever become a realproblem as a group, theywouldsooner wipe us out than deal with it. They do not fear us, considering themselves far superior to us by allcomparisons.They supposedly consider the surface of this planet to be a poisonous, inhospitable environment and "allow" us to live here, since they live below the surface and in space. (We and our surface environment function as a physical buffer or living shield around their home underground.) The Greys sometimes treat us more like children than animals. They consider us physically beautiful and healthy; mentally young and fresh. They do fear us, contrary to what they may claim, because they do not understand us. (They have no emotions or individuality; they are of a group mind. Socially and culturally, Greys and humans are very different.) The Greys themselves are trying to fight the reptilians off so they can be free from their control. They also fear us because they know we are potentially powerful beings. However, they insist that they "own" us: They say they created us and therefore have the right to do what they will with us.Beyond this original "right" to interfere with us, they say they have additionally earned the right through their control. Because they can control us on an individual and cultural basis both physically and mentally, they say they "own us". These attitudes are propaganda. Their control over us in any capacity is ultimately very frail due to its very nature. Their control is based on intimidation and advanced technology. As we become more aware, we are harder to control, harder to lie to, harder to confuse. Our technology would definitely be competitive with theirs if we had access to it. Much of the technology we would need to effectively overcome this situation exists now. It just isn't made available to the public, for economic reasons, as well as "national security." The Reptilian species directs the efforts of the worker class which are about 4 feet tall. These are currently referred to as Greys or EBEs, and are the largest category likely to be encountered by surface humans. The Greys are really an order of crossbreed between Humans and Reptilianspecies. There are several other lines of crossbreeds which have been bred for various specific characteristics. Some hybrids have an active pineal eye and are telepathic.These beings (the Greys) operate very efficiently in the dark. Their eyes are more sensitive to ultraviolet light. They have the ability to control their heart rate. The normal heart rate for a Grey is above that of a human. The skin seems to have a metallic content and an unusual cobalt pigmentation. Many have no external sex organs. Some have been bred to have them.There are accounts in the legends of Babylon, India, Egypt, South America, Central America and elsewhere that reveal the influence of this other species on our own Apparently, the Greys were much more human-looking at one time. What happened was that they, as a race, were captured 891,000 years ago while leaving Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 to go off and do their own thing. This is very common, and it is how Earth became colonized. What happened is that they got captured by a group in Orion that was already genetically altered and under control of the Alpha Draconians. According to Morenae, the first thing this Draconian-altered Orion group did was slaughter almost all of the females of the captured race in order to control the birth process. They then genetically altered the remaining females, so that all the children born after that were genetically altered. The males were enslaved, made to work in mines and slaughtered by the Draconian-controlled Orion group, who had absolutely no regard for life. What we know now as the Greys became a natural resource. Time Travel Permits Altering Consciousness of a Race: Now, We are told that the Greys would love to be absolutely free of this hierarchy, but what they have done is that they have continued to propagate the problem. Now, we have been told that the Greys have been here for thousands of years.? According to the Andromedans, however, the Greys got here in 1931. Because of their ability to time travel, it looks like they have been here thousands of years - they can go backwards in time. If you can go backwards in time you can literally alter the consciousness of any race. You can alter any event. That's exactly what they have done. They are not the only ones who have done this. There is also a group from Sirius B who have also done this. It took me a long time to understand why it was that they wanted to do this. The bottom line is that they wanted to control us. We have things that they want. We have the benefit of having been on 11th density, which means that we have covered a very large area of spiritual evolvement - which is why our range of emotion is so large. They want that information. Not only that, but with the new frequency coming in and third density beginning to implode on itself, the Greys are trying to save their race. According to Morenae, there are only 2000 real Greys left -- all the rest are clones - organic robots. They do not carry a spiritual essence. Folks, we are talking about a technology thousands of years ahead of where we are now.
The Greys clone their own race into a cast of slaves, just like ants. They all basically think the same things at the same time. Their minds are like radios. If there are no radio waves, they don't do anything. They have computers which transmit the radio-like waves, telling them what their jobs are, their functions that they must carry out. If the computers, their group mind, were shut down, the Greys would no longer know what to do for themselves. They do not possess individual intelligence like us, although they would very much like to create us to be like them. The Greys also consider what we call God, a mind, like we think of our own mind. They have completely detached themselves from their spiritual essence, so long ago, that their physical existence and personality has become pure ego. The Draconians are pure ego, as well. Many other races genetically altered by the Draconians, are also experiencing the separation from their own essence too. Now, We don't understand the process or exactly how it works, but the Greys no longer believe themselves to be spirit, to be in essence. They're trapped mentally, emotionally, physically in a physical existence, therefore, that's all they see. They literally disown and fractionalize themselves away from their spiritual essence. It's no longer a part of them. Human beings have also beenknown to do those themselves, as well. You know we can fractionalize ourselves into many different personalities. The Greys are pure ego!
An abnormal scar or mark on the body that can't be explained

Long periods of lost time

Flashbacks and/or dreams of being on a surgical table surrounded by lights and beings

Hard pieces of metallic or plastic like substances under the skin that shouldn't be there

Feedback or buzzing from speakers when you are near by

Uncontrollable actions

Painful nasal cavities as if something hard is up there

Headaches due to a brain implant

Nose bleeds
The Pleadians are assisting the Andromedan Council in attempting to quarantine our solar system from invading forces, namely the Orion group and Alpha Draconis. The quarantine line, the defense line, is between Uranus and Pluto and consists of a mixture of benevolent races, both physical and non-physical. There are Pleadians,Andromedans, Arcturians, Syrians from Syrius A, Reticulin, Accordance and Umonians from Umo. This line of defense is really like a last resort. Apparently, two huge Grey mother ships have already been turned back that were on their way to Earth and Mars. And apparently there were casualties on both sides in the exchange of turning them away.

Please realize that currently, there are fifteen thousand Greys underneath the United States. The Greys (Dows) are in fact, a renegade group of Reticulans. They are not from Reticuli and haven't been back there for hundreds and hundreds of thousands of years. They have been travelling through space in their arc's. Before they came to Earth, they were residing on Sirius B. That was their originating point before coming here. There are approximately eighteen hundred and thirty-three Reptiliansliving beneath the United States. Their habitat is from one hundred to two hundred miles beneath the surface of the earth. They generally live in caverns and the ancient tunnel systems created hundreds of thousands of years ago. They are not benevolent. And, every once in a while, they come up for a contact. They have been seen in New York City, Missouri, Chicago, and in the southwest United States. These area's happen to be the largest areas where missing children occur, numbering in the thousands. The Andromedansstate that thirteen thousand seven-hundred and twelve children have been taken by these Reptiliansover the last twenty-five years. In Linda Molten-Howe's book, "Alien Harvest", there is mention of human body parts seen in underground bases. The Andromedans confirm that we are being used for food. The Greys use our blood and it is the Reptiliansthat consume the live human flesh. Their favorite food is children because they lack nicotine, caffeine, and other environmental pollutants. Like we eat veal, they eat us.

The Greys are searching for walk-ins for they want to learn about spirit. I'm speaking about benevolence and not satanic possession or that kind of stuff. Walk-ins are necessary at this particular time. They are higher evolved souls. Seventy-two thousand walk-ins are on the planet right now and are a part of the Andromedan Council. Seventy-two thousand more are coming to balance the negativity that is being created. Because of the Councils laws of non-intervention, theAndromedan Council found it necessary to intervene in another way without violating its council directives. Thus, the walk-ins who are actually earth human beings, are here to do that kind of work. It's a backdoor approach. There are fifteen hundred and thirty-one actual benevolent human extra-terrestrials on our planet right now. But they are here to record, report and observe, and possibly assist some of the walk-ins. And at some point, they will be leaving. But, apparently they live just like us, and they're in our everyday lives. This would explain MEN – IN - BLACK

Keep these facts in mind. There are eighteen thousand Greys; fifteen thousand here on the Earth and three thousand on the Moon. The regular government which makes up the majority of Washington, D.C., The black government, consists of various levels. At the top, they know everything, the lower levels only know small pieces, on a need to know basis, usually just one piece of the puzzle. The total picture is one outrageous secret based on deliberate deceit that creates the subversion of the public trust. Forewarned is forearmed.?
Origin of Bio robots
Their science deals largely with the study of other life forms and genetic engineering. They have allegedly had a part to play in the alteration of human genetics over thousands of years. It seems that they may be trying to cross breed with humans in order to create a "mixture race" that would be better than either. (I've read that they are a dying species that have cloned so much that now, with each successive cloning, the species grows weaker. They are trying to infuse new life into their species by creating the mixed breed.)

…The Greys also maintain the technology to create clones and implant memory from another source into theabductee. Implantation technology.

…On April 25, 1964, the first official communication between these aliens and the U S Government took place at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. 3 saucers landed at a pre-arranged area for a meeting to be held between the aliens and intelligence officers of the U S Government.

For the Greys, the main motivation for the genetic work with humans is the survival of the Grey species, which is genetically damaged. Travel outside the 3rd dimension also bridges the human concept of time. Some species, such as theEssessani, claim thatthey are the result of hybrid genetics that are being performed at this time. We're seeing a lot of hybrid species, as well as species in different stages of their own evolution.

The Grey species is not based on individualization or being an individual entity. For entities maintaining a group mind set ( social memory complex ), individualization seems to cause a great deal of random energy loss. They were initially fascinated both with human individuality and the human emotional spectrum, which they can perceive but apparently do not comprehend what it means ( to the human ). They do understand the concept of bonding, but only intellectually in terms of bonding ( between human mother/ovum source and an alien cross-breed child ) that will serve to contribute to the survival of the cross-breed. They recognize the need for it in the child in terms of survival.

GreySpecies objectives appear to be founded on a rigid domination survival-based social order, where their "religion" is science, their social structure is geared to obedience and duty,

The way the Greys seem to locate subjects for their work is more or less a result of their efforts to find human entities who vibrate in resonance ( or a harmonic thereof ) to their vibrational complex. One of the human aspects that promotes this resonance is fear, which almost amounts to permission from the Greys standpoint. Or perhaps it is random, or not. We simply do not know only the US Government and the aliens

Some Greys are trying to fight against their creators or masters if you will, and have been formulating planes on Earth. Also getting humans involved, by giving them technology, Hybrid developments, Awareness

Other then actual alien bodies or their space ships (UFOs), which if are on Earth get acquired quite quickly by the US Government, Alien implants are some of our only physical evidence of aliens visiting Earth and abducting people. These implants come in a variety of shapes and sizes and affect many people around the world.What are alien implants? Alien implants are small devices both mechanical as well as organic tissue based that are injected and surgically planted into human abducties by aliens. There have been quite a few abduction cases where later on in life the abductie found a small device in under their skin and even lodged into bones as well as the brainWhat the implants are being used for is still a mystery to UFO researchers but there are many theories as to their alien purpose. Doctors that have removed alien implants have come across many interesting aspects including a detected field of electromagnetic waves, compounds found previously only on meteors (extraterrestrial), mechanical materials, as well as biological materials. Using what has been found about them concludes that they may be used for tracking purposes, especially since many of the subjects report being repeatedly abducted throughout their lives. Other theories suggest that the alien implants may be used to collect information about the person involved and transmit data back to the aliens, or even as some kind of mind control device.
Most people that have alien implants don't know that they have them and most don't even remember coming in contact with a UFO or aliens. Some common symptoms of being abducted and having an implant surgically placed inside you can include:
Targets of Reticulan Observation
Water supplies

Nuclear Arsenals and Test Facilities

Military Electronic Surveillance Facilities

Mmining operations and the exchange of information Military Installations

Political Objective is Conquest

Social Objectives are Obedience and Duty

Religion/Philosophy is Science

Colonization, establishment of trade terminals and routes, 

The Grey species can tolerate radioactivity at levels humans cannot stand. The apparent reason for this involves species exposure to a nuclear interchange in the distant past which promoted degradation of their genetic structure. This aspect is noted in terms of where the Greys frequent in the United States, especially base areas, which are near nuclear facilities, waste storage, etc. Animal mutilations are highest in these areas also. A connection? Yes
Alien Implants
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Analysis of Theories:
These theories both have their various sources, and both have evidence that supports one theory, while detracting from the other. The author's personal views lean towards the first theory, due to several key points of evidence. Most of the evidence for the Grey-government conspiracy comes from sources within the government, and from careful observation and analysis of US government activities over the past 70 years. The benevolent Grey belief comes directly from the Greys, who have implanted into their abductees' minds certain instructions and ideas to give to society at various times, as they determine. Using the abductees as 'virtual recorders,' the Greys claim that they are here to 'help humanity realize its potential,' and to 'watch over humanity.' The US government files, on the other hand, claim the Greys are adept liars, and they are not to be trusted. This data comes from the few applicable documents gleamed from the military using the Freedom of Information Act, as well as former and current US government workers who claim to have broken their oaths of silence and come forward to tell the truth. Admittedly, the US government is also run by accomplished liars, so it is a choice of whether to believe a totally alien group, or to believe the US government (Many would have a difficult time with this, and the author is one of those) If the Greys are telling the truth, then we have little to be worried about, except for our own government, and the occasional abduction in the middle of the night. If they are lying, then we are faced with a great dilemma: the people of the world are being manipulated without their knowledge by at least two forces, the Greys and at least one major world government, that of the United States. If you read history and research different religion's in every culture. Country religion, race on Earth has Ancient stories of their SKY GODS who descended down from the heavens.Our the great structure all over the world such as the Nazca linesin Peru, Maya pyramids, Egyptian pyramids, Stone hedge, Easter island, Machu picchu, Cusc,Puma Punku,Aliens, UFO's.. they are a part of Earth's natural history and have been here since before the dawn of human civilization. All over the world they have left traces of clues in scripts, in texts, paintings on hieroglyphs and cave paintings, in the bible (codes, not literal meanings)... In ancient times, they were recorded as gods devas angels etc., and worshiped as such. Viewed by the primitive earth population, the star people's technology were highly god-like mysterious paranormal phenomena. If you lived in the bronze age and you only hand root for string and animal fur as clothes and you see great huge mile long glowing crafts descending to earth with great power and technology such as flight, electricity weather weapons and much more would you not think they were gods? If you have read the bible and Sumerian text and other religious text then you can clearly find aliens throughout Earths history.What's most important is that we keep our minds open NOT closed. Why would someone want to keep their eyes closed?Perhaps ignorance, naïve, stupidity, mind control, or simply they wish to block if from their heads because the issues is too great for their feeble minds.- Like they say " It's so great it's unbelievable!"
In 1988, Bob Lazar came forward with an incredible story. Bob Lazar had worked at Area 51 (S4) in Nevada to reverse engineer alien spacecraft that had been captured by the US Government. During his stay at S4 he was given briefing papers to read and some of them described the alien's home solar system .. and yes, you've guessed it ... Zeta 2 Reticuli, and specifically the 4th planet in that solar system!
We have provided some interesting information below:

In a rather strange "about face," the above information was removed from the Extra Solar Planets Encyclopedia site after 4 days. The official reason for removal was that "the data may have been misinterpreted and there probably is no planet."
Now this big quarter of a Jupiter mass planet is in an orbit about Zeta 2 Reticuli which lasts 18.9 days and has a Semi-Major Axis of 0.14 Astronomical Unit (AU). For comparison Mercury has a Semi-Major Axis of 0.387 AU equal to 36 million miles and Earth has a Semi-Major Axis of 1.00 AU equal to 92.9 million miles. Now if we assume that this newly discovered planet, which we will name Reticulum 1 in accordance with Bob Lazar's convention, is the closest one to Zeta 2 Reticuli(it's hard to imagine a closer one), then following Bode's Law (the law which states each planet is about twice the distance from its sun as its inner neighbor) Reticulum 2 should be at 0.28 AU, Reticulum 3should be at 0.56 AU and, INTERESTINGLY, Reticulum 4 would be at 1.12 AU in between the Earth's 1.00 AU and Mars's 1.52 AU, well within the "life-zone" of a G class star!
We just found another possible way that this recent discovery could confirm part of Lazar and Jarod 2's story. We found the length of the Zeta 2 Reticulum 4's year. Howdid We do this you might ask? Simple, with calculator in hand We used two elementary laws of Astronomy. Bode's Law and Kepler's 3rd Law.
The numbers We used were from that data on the Extra solar Planets Encyclopedia Website are these: The Semi-Major Axis of a planetary orbit is measured in Astronomical Units (AU).The Period of an orbit is measured in Earth days or years. The newly discovered planet has a Semi-Major Axis of 0.14 AU and a Period of 18.9 days.

Some Definitions:
1 Astronomical Unit (AU) = 92.9 million miles = the distance between the Earth and Sun.
The "Semi-Major Axis" is the measurement of the planets orbit, an ellipse, in relation to its star in Astronomical Units. The Earth's Semi-Major axis is 1.00 AU. The "Semi-Major Axis" of a perfectly circular orbit would be the radius of that orbit.
The "Period" is the amount of time it takes to complete one orbit. A planet's period is it's year. The Earth's Period is 365.25 days.
First, Bode's Law:
As we stated before if you apply Bode's law which states: The semi-major axis of each planet is double that of its neighbor nearer to the star. Or simply each planet is about twice as far from its star as its inner neighbor (i.e. Jupiter is 5.2 AU from the Sun, Saturn is 9.5 AU). Now if you apply this to the new discovery of a planet around Zeta 2 Reticuli and you assume this planet is the closest to its star this making it the closest planet to Zeta Reticuli 2 (Reticulum 1 we will call it in keeping with Lazar's naming convention, which, We should add differs from the IAU convention which would name it Zeta 2 Reticulum A - so far). At 0.14 AU it's hard to imagine a closer planet to Zeta 2 Reticuli. For comparison, Mercury is located at 0.387 AU from the Sun so this newly found planet is Reticulum 1 in all likelihood. Using Bodes law we can extrapolate where the other planets of Zeta 2 Reticuli should be.
Kepler's 3rd law relates the planet's period or year to its Semi-Major Axis of its orbit. Mathematically this is expressed as P2 = a3. "P" is the Period measured in earth years and "a" is the Semi-Major Axis measured in Astronomical units (AU). Using both of these we can find out the length of the year on each hypothetical planet in the Zeta 2 Reticuli system, INCLUDING Reticulum 4, Bob Lazar's home of the Greys.

Zeta Reticuli (ζ Ret, ζ Reticuli) is a binary star system located about 39 light-years (12 pc) away from Earth. It is located in the constellation Reticulum,and is visible to the unaided eye in very dark skies. Because of the southerly location of the system, it is not visible north of the tropics.
This system consists of a pair of stars that are both similar in physical characteristics to the Sun. Their stellar classification is nearly identical to the Sun, and they are considered solar analogs. ζ1 has 96% of the Sun's mass and 84% of the Sun's radius. ζ2 is slightly larger and more luminous than ζ1, with 99% of the Sun's mass and 88% of the Sun's radius.
The two stars are somewhat deficient in metals, having only 60% of the proportion of elements other than hydrogen and helium compared to the Sun.For reasons that remain uncertain, they have an anomalously low abundance of beryllium.Both stars areconsidered unusual because they have a lower luminosity than is normal for main sequence stars of their age and surface temperature. That is, they lie below the main sequence curve on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for newly formed stars. Most stars will evolve above this curve as they age.
ζ1 has an intermediate level of magnetic activity in its chromosphere.Although the kinematics of this system suggest that they belong to a population of older stars, the properties of their stellar chromospheres suggests that they are only about 2 billion years old.
On September 20, 1996, a tentative discovery of a hot Jupiter around ζ2 was reported, but the discovery was quickly retracted as the signal was shown to be caused by pulsations of the star.In 2002, ζ1 was examined at an infrared wavelength of 25 μm, but no indication of an excess of infrared radiation was found.In 2007, the Spitzer Space Telescope was used to find an infrared excess at a wavelength of 70 μm around ζ2. This radiation is likely being emitted by a debris disk with a mean temperature of 150 K (−123 °C) that is orbiting the host star at a distance of 4.3 AU.In 2010, the Herschel Space Observatory, looking for debris disks analogous to the Kuiper belt, around sun like stars, detected signs of a possible exo-kuiper belt, with a semi-major axis of 100 AU around ζ2.
Both stars share similar proper motions, radial velocities and distances,confirming that they form a wide binary star system. The stars have an angular separation of 309.2 arc seconds (5.2 arc minutes)fair enough apart to appear as a close pair of separate stars to the naked eye with a dark sky. The distance between the two stars is about 3750 AU.
This star system belongs to the Zeta Herculis Moving Group of stars with common motions through space. The space velocity components of this system are (U, V, W) = (−70.2/−69.7, −47.4/−46.4, +16.4/+16.8) km/s.They are currently on an orbit through the Milky Way galaxy that has an eccentricity of 0.24. This orbit will carry the system as close as 17.4 kly (5.33 kpc) and as far as 28.6 kly (8.77 kpc) from the galactic core. The inclination of this orbit will carry the stars as much as 1.3 kly (0.4 kpc) from the plane of the galactic disk.This likely puts them outside the thick disk population of stars

                                                                                                                                                    -----Abduction of a GREY -------
Hello Friends, I am an abductee, here is one of my abductions
It must have been about a year ago not sure date, 2010 ] but i went to the city to visit my brother. Around 2 am i left his house and walked to a longtime friend who also lived in the city. It is only about 10 min walk. When walking the next thing i can remember was having my eyes closed and hearing this calm, relaxing, soothing almost hypnotizing in a females voice saying. Kevin.. Kevin..its ok Kevin.. where here to help, it's ok, where no going to harm you, its okay. We're going to make you feel better. then my eyes opened up and at first there was a blinding light but then it went away and i could see the room and in the room were 2 Grey aliens very tall i remember the room there was 2 different colors in the room 1 on the top of the wall and on at the bottom almost like a trim around a room the top color was purple and the bottom color was blue, it was a thin line of theses colors trimming the room as light, light was coming from them. I asked the alien if they aren't going to harm me what they are going to do to me. They replied back "we are going to help you and fix you" i know my mouth wasn't moving when talking to them. Because when I would get scared then I could tell I was using my mouth. The next thing i remember was each Grey on each side of me they then put me up against a cold metal thing and it was moving with each of them on my sides they brought me to a hall to the left of the white room, the hall was dark cloudy or misty like fog, the hall ways must have been 50 ft. 40 ft., long it took about 30 to 50 to get me down hall i can remember that, so about maybe 40 ft. 50 ft., before i got to the next room i could see to the right in the room a huddled circle formation of at least 7 to 8 Greys in a huddled formation they were tall. There was and exit to another room next to them with a hall way same as the white room. To the left in the room was a smaller group about 5. The room itself was dark round there was a fog or a mist in the room but at time it seemed to go away, also a dim light because I could see across the room. The walls of the room were indented almost like a V shape indent in the wall or this}so the walls were not flat like Are's. When entering the room I could smell a chemical like smell something like Bleach or Peroxide or Ammonia. They brought me into center of the room. I remember one of them was so tall he had to like bend a little to look me in the eyes. What's weird at this point was I wasn't really scared and it seemed hard for me to see their face at times others I could see them .i was still standing up against that thing they put me against in the white room. Then, one of them out there hand on my nose and another one put this small black tube up my nose, it made this noise, The alien Greys had long fingers very tall had a little mouth that moved up n down motion like a fish mouth but nothing was coming out. I remember screaming after they did that. All the time i could hear the voice saying it's going to be ok we hear to help, in a soft calm voice as if they was trying to relax me, but i was scared the next thing i remember was the thing i was standing up against slammed down making this loud noise it slammed down like a table, so I was now lying down They then brought me towards the left side of the room so it seemed. I began to get hostile and remember cocking my left leg back and kicking the alien to my lower left, he went against wall n fell down. I clearly remember doing it and watching the Grey fly against the wall and sliding down the other Greys quickly backed off; from then on the next thing i remember was on the side of the road again. Right after i realized what had happened still dazed n confused, tired, lost feeling. There was this cop who drove real slow right next to me and i asked him where a street was and he looked at me for a few minutes, he didn't say a word just pointed and stared with this nasty look, blank see threw me look almost, i had lost 3 or 4 hours of time it was nearly 6 in morning when i got to my friend's house.

I remember the smells in the craft; they were like bleach, ammonia, or peroxide smell, the greys were at least 7 ft. or 8ft tall, long fingers, slips for mouths n smaller black eyes
I was talking to them telepathic
I use to have a crooked nose but since the alien stuck that small black tube up my nose it's straight again
I remember the colors of inside the craft white, purple, blue,
I remember some of there tech, such as a thin about 7inch black tube, the thing I was standing against moves on its own and is capable at fast speed slamming down like a table or bed.
There are other accounts but this one stick outs in my head the most in this matter ever since it has happened it has consumed my thinking completely and is all i can think about.  

If you have been abducted before and in search for answers there are true places you can go to for help. You can contact Earth-Search @ Kevin@Earth-Search.net From there we will help set up a support network for you. Like reliable research links, and chat room for abductees.

CLOSING STATEMENT NON- believers simple don't want to believe, can't believe because it too much to take in, are stupid and really think we are the ONLY species in this universe, are actually alien themselves trying to hide it,How is it possible to be the only ones in this universe?There are over 200 billion planets in our milky way alone there are over 200 billion galaxies in the universe, but yet naïve non believer think that everything out there is ours and we are the only ones here, which of course is a stupid, selfish, blinded, vision.If look in history scientist of the time and the people of the time would laugh at you if you told them the earth wasround, they thought you was completely crazy because they listened to the earthly humans scientist and their feeble human thinking that it was flat.As time change people realized it wasn't flat, but stayed the same old naïve, stupid, blinded feeble human way of thinking to this day. If you was to say that aliens do exists and that thy have been in earth history since man they will laugh at you and think you're crazy. Loll some things I guess human thinking doesn't change that fast on the evolution latter, how selfish one would be to think WE ARE THE ONLY THING OUT THERE AND THAT EVRYTHING OUT THERE IS FOR US. Simply foolishly feeble OBSURD!No one make you decide or see you have to see for yourself. It's good for the soul and the progression of humans to theories and explore or thoughts. What's no wise is to stay narrow minded."In the box" type of thinking, this will get us nowhere but ignorance, selfishness, and lack of evolution simply from the way we THINK WE KNOW EVRYTHING.

NOTE:All religions, all countries, all history, all ancient cities that predate the Stone Age all the hard evidence from the MJj-12. CIA, NSA, WHISTLEBLOWERS, ABDUCTEES. But yet still, they don’t believe. How can you explain cities predating stone age? How can you explain all the pyramids throughout the world that are all lined up astronomically? How can you explain the Nazca lines in Peru that are only visible from air? How can you explain the pyramids when even today technology we cannot duplicate?
Whatever the answer these facts are indisputable. The extent and number of persons reported missing every year is a closely guarded government secret. (Since 1980 at least 20,000 children have been reported missing each year. Human abductions are officially regarded by the government as a ‘hoax’. The latest polls show that 90% of all Americans believe that intelligent life on other planets is probable and that over 50 million Americans have seen what they believed to be a UFO. But the U.S. Government officially dismisses 'flying saucers' as a 'hoax'. What do you think? We must all decide for ourselves how much of the above is true. Certainly, there is credible testimony and good evidence that extraterrestrials are on the planet, and underground, and under the sea. Can all this be true? How as humans are we to know it’s not? With all the CIA, NSA, MILITARY, and ABUDCTEES how and why would they lie? Some have never met some don’t even know what a Grey is. Do we has humans THINK we know everything? Is it just too great a story to believe for the human mind? Some don’t want to believe because they don’t want to believe in destruction or misery so there for IT CANT BE TRUE.
If you read history and research different religion’s in every culture. Country religion, race on Earth has Ancient stories of their SKY GODS who descended down from the heavens. HOW can you explain the great structure all over the world such as the Nazca lines in Peru, Maya pyramids, Egyptian pyramids, Stone hedge, Easter island, Machu picchu, Cusc, Puma Punku, The citadel of Teotihuacan, Uxmal Gran Paititi. who created these great monuments and cities

From the Extra Solar Planets Encyclopedia
Star Name



Jupiter mass: (J)
Earth mass: (E)

Semi-Major Axis 

years (y)
days (d)



Zeta 2 Reticuli
11 pc
0.14 AU
18.9 d

…                       Planets of the Zeta Reticuli System
Semi-Major Axis
In Days

In Years

Reticulum 1
0.14 AU
18.9 days
0.052 years
Reticulum 2
0.28 AU
54.0 days
0.1481 years
Reticulum 3
0.56 AU
152.9 days
0.4196 years
Reticulum 4
1.12 AU
432.6 days
1.12 years

                                                Inner Planet of our Solar System
Semi-Major Axis
In Days

In Years

0.387 AU
87.97 days
0.2409 years
0.723 AU
224.7 days
0.6152 years
1.000 AU
365.25 days
1.0000 years
1.524 AU
686.98 days
1.8809 years


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Remote viewers who tried to discover where the Grey's are coming from mention that they are coming from three different time eras, i.e. that most of them are coming from different times in the future.

Some authors believe Grey's are not aliens but future humans or future humanoids.

Some sources mention a "cyborg" type of Grey: a small grey that seems to be partly biological (and presumably cloned) and partly mechanical. The remains of some of these would have been found at crash sites

…Origins from Cetaceans:
Based on the evidence of their physical appearance, the following hypothesis can be made: The Greys are descended from a dolphin-like or cetacean-based life form. There are several reasons for this supposition. The answer can be found in the similarities between cetaceans and Greys, using physical and behavioral aspects. Physical Aspects and Similarities: First, let us examine the physical characteristics. The skin of a Grey is very similar to that of dolphins in texture, and in most cases, coloration. On Terra, cetaceans evolved legs and arms to function on land, but when they returned to the oceans, the arms and legs evolved into flippers and tails. X-ray analysis clearly show the residual appendages in modern day dolphins and whales as being comparable in skeletal structure to that of land-dwelling mammals in placement and types of bones. It is possible that the Greys evolved much like Terran dolphins did, but did not return to the oceans, but continued to develop as a land based mammal. Next is the skull shape: The Greys have a large rounded skull region area on the upper anterior and posterior sections of their skulls. An examination of the dolphin skull shows very similar large, rounded anterior and posterior areas. The eyes of Greys are described as large and black, with what appears to be a protective shielding covering the eye. Many Terran aquatic animals have developed protective outer eye shields for underwater use. It is possible that this is a left-over attribute from the Greys' ocean origins which has not been bred out, perhaps due to several unknown advantages of the shield. Another factor is the dark coloration of this eye shield. It suggests an eye structure suited for a reduced light environment. In the oceans, this would be natural for a creature living underwater were the planet's primary's light does not penetrate very deep. The dark coloration would in indicative of eyes that absorb nearly all the light that entersit, creating the appearance of blackness. On Terra, dolphins and other cetaceans developed sonar ability as their primary navigational aid, and thus do not rely as much on sight while underwater. Behavioral Aspects and Similarities There are also several similarities in the behavior of Greys and dolphins. Terran dolphins use sonar both to navigate and stun prey and enemies. The stun affect is of particular interest in this case. Dolphins can emit very powerful and focused ultrasonic bursts from the anterior section of their skulls, from an organ known as a 'melon'. This is used to stun prey and enemies, such as sharks and barracuda. There has been an excellent film created by a group of students while diving, illustrating a group of dolphins utilizing this ability on a very large barracuda. The barracuda was swimming towards a group of very young dolphins. Four large adult dolphins turned so that their heads were directly aligned with the barracuda, and emitted a sustained ultrasonic burst. The effect on the barracuda was astounding. It literally froze, completely paralyzed in the water, and even the gills ceased to move. The dolphins stared at it for about thirty seconds, during which time the barracuda remained totally immobilized. As soon as they turned their heads away, the ultrasonic beam was no longer focused on the barracuda, whereas it fled at a very high rate of speed from the scene. Obviously, this beam was tightly focused, and required the dolphin's head to be pointed directly at the target. The strength of the beam could be changed as well. When hunting, the ultrasound beam could be directed at small fish and amplified to lethal levels, causing instant death. Some cetacean researchers believe that this is also used when dolphins ram sharks. Autopsies of the shark corpses after a dolphin attack reveal the sharks internal organs have been visibly shattered. The beam can also be controlled so as to produce a stun effect, as in the case of the barracuda. The result was physical paralysis and disorientation. This phenomenon is very similar to the technique used by the Greys as an aid to telepathic control of abductees. The similarities are almost overwhelming. Nearly every abductee states that when they are abducted, they are paralyzed by the Greys, and become mentally disorientated. The most striking thing most recall is what is known as the 'Stare.' This occurs when a Grey looks directly at an abductee, whereas the large, dark eyes capture the abductee's attention immediately. Abductees then report being unable to move, and a feeling of great mental disorientation. On some rare occasions, abductees report a lessening of these effects when a Grey looked slightly away from them. This clearly indicates that the intensity of the effect was directly proportional to the direction or focus of the front portion of the Grey head. This evidence leads to the hypothesis that the Greys use a kind of ultrasonic sound beam in conjunction with telepathy to paralyze an abductee during an abduction.
Another of the theories possible begins with a cetacean life form evolved on another planet. Unlike Terran cetaceans, they did not return to the oceans, but were discovered and later altered and cloned by another species. This species (called the Masters for argument's sakes), needed a source of slave labor, and thus searched for an intelligent lesser species that they could genetically manipulate in order to be used effectively. Arbitrarily assuming that this period of time was about one million years ago, the most evolved species at that time on Terra would have been dolphins and whales. This might also have been possible on another planet, where a similar species evolved instead of a primate-like organism. Under this theory, the cetacean ancestors of the Greys were taken and genetically altered into an upright, bipedal species capable of doing labor for the Masters. After a time, however, the Greys apparently rebelled, and are now on their own, using the technology of the Masters, but since they were created to simply operate them, and not to design them, their knowledge of the technology's operation is lacking.

This theory would explain the lack of knowledge of genetics that the Greys seem to suffer from, and why they can't simply make their own genetic code artificially more diverse. They are able to manipulate the technology, and use it to their advantage, but are unable to understand the actual theoretical aspects and operations behind the use of their equipment

It is theorized that most Greys are infect Bio Robots simply cloned in a lab by other Aliens such as the Reptilian's. To studies, worker race basically do whatever else they are told. like worker bees. It's also theorized that a long time ago some species of these cloned Greys were sent on long away mission and avery long time past and they are now declaring freedom from their creators.First of all, the fact must be established that the Greys truly are clones. This is not a new theory, simply a modification of others that have been circulating for a while. There are several reasons why they appear to be clones, if one takes into account behavioral patterns and visual appearances, as deduced from abductee testimonies and other related reports. One can extrapolate from the Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle (which refers to quantum mechanics and the uncertainty of the location and momentum of an electron in an orbital) that genetic sequences break down and begin to have errors in the sequence after several generations of continuous cloning from clones, which is what many believe is occurring with the Greys. The result of cloning from clones, after several generation, is equivalent to inbreeding, where errors creep up in the code, so to speak, and eventually, clones are created that are unable to function, i.e., stillborn. This phenomenon is also likened to the recording of an audio or video cassette from another recording. As copies are made from copies, the overall quality decreases. This postulate can be extrapolated from the fact the as the human DNA chain is very long, and contains much data. If the Greys have a similar genetic code, this hypothesis will still stand. Humans have great genetic variation, and mutations from one generation to the next increase the diversity. However, the mutations that are created generally don't involve the function of major systems of the body. Sexual reproduction is also a buffer to radical mutations affecting the entire body in drastic ways from the norm. With clones, however, the mutations, while small individually, will be copied from one generation to another, and as the number of mutations build up, the greater the chance of a fatal mutation. The sheer complexity of the DNA molecule (in humans) makes it exceedingly difficult to keep tract of every bit of genetic code, and so errors will slip past investigations. There is another problem In this situation: While the Greys seem to be able to successfully cross-breed their genetic material with that of Terran humans, their actual knowledge of truly advanced genetic engineering concepts seems to be lacking. They are not able to manipulate their (or human) genetic code beyond that necessary for the mixing of the two types of replicating molecules. This implies that they either lost the knowledge somehow, or never had it in the first place. Either way, it appears what the Greys don't have very much control over the genetic code of the hybrid created. Thus, cloning from clones creates a dilemma that is fatal to a species dependent on cloning as a method of survival. The way that they propagate is also the method of their death as a species.

…The NSA and CIA has mostly kept this secret. The public is aware of and any possible origins theories, This information was only brought to the public by EX- CIA, NSA, MJ12, MILITARY, ANBDUCTEES. The proof is with them. Some whistleblower'sknew too much and have gave their lives {MURDERD} for such cause.
.So one Reticulum 4 year is equal to roughly 1.12 earth years OR 432 days. And Reticulum 4 is in roughly the same position in Zeta 2 Reticuli's "life-zone" as the Earth is in the Sun's "life-zone." Zeta 2 Retituli is a G1V spectral class star, the Sun is a G2V. They are both "G" class main sequence stars, the difference between the "2". and the "1" indicates that Zeta 2 Reticuli is a little hotter than the Sun. The higher the middle number the lower the temperatureThe "V" means they are both main sequence (middle age) stars but given Zeta 2 Reticuli's higher temperature, and lower metallicity, it is probably older than the Sun by a couple billion years. So basically the Sun is a little cooler and younger than Zeta 2 Reticuli.
For comparison here is a breakdown of the inner planets of our own solar system.

 Life is LOVE LOVE is life

 There is one thing I know, that is I know nothing at all

 i have no beliefs only possibilities

 "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Possible Theory
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