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If you lived 1000 or even 500 years ago the general population and the scientist of the time would laugh at you if you told them the earth was round. Today in modern times History repeats itself. Today if you was to say I was abducted or I saw a UFO or I was contacted by Extraterrestrials the general population and the Scientist of our time would say we are foolish and it cannot simply be true and just laugh. Luckily for us few who know otherwise we dedicate this page to you
It is the height of human presumption, ignorance, selfishness, to think that Humans are the ONLY thing in alive  in the known Galaxy. How can Humans say that without being to every planet to find out? For the people who believe we are alone and think EVERYTHING OUT THERE IS FOR US did they travel to every single planet? Have they traveled the stars for these answers? No.

Extraterrestrial may refer to any object or being beyond (extra-) the planet Earth (terrestrial). It is derived from the Latin Root extra ("outside", "outwards") and terrestris ("earthly", "of or relating to the Earth").
So, what do Extraterrestrials look like? How can we answer such a question? The best way Earth-Search comes up with that answer is by talking to abductees and contactees and investigating their stories going thought hundreds of encounters. With the hundreds of encounters we go through we look for similarities which are more than few .
Nordic aliens have been described as benevolent or even "magical" beings who want to observe and communicate with humans. Contactees have said that the Nordics are concerned about the earth's environment or prospects for world peace, and may transmit messages telepathically. American social worker John Carpenter said that the typical Nordic, as described by those he interviewed, "is paternal, watchful, smiling, affectionate, youthful, [and] all-knowing." Stephanie Kelley-Romano says that the Nordics "are often associated with spiritual growth and love and act as protectors for the experiencers." A few claimants say that the Nordics have warned them about the grey aliens, but other claimants say that they have seen Nordics inside the same craft as greys. In such reports, the Nordics are often interpreted as leaders, with the greys as their subordinates. Jenny Randles writes that although she believes Nordics have "certainly" been involved in abductions she feels the abduction is "less essential to the encounter than it is with the [greys]."